How to delete subareas in EUN Community
Dear Pascale
You are right, the EUN manual isn't really thorough, but you have to make do and go by the usual trial and error procedure. I'm glad you are trying hard to get the ropes.
I'll try to answer your questions as far as I can. I'm discovering some of the features myself.
- How can I delete for example the sub area I created unintentionally (on the left: "present from Italy") I went to "edit a sub area" and tried to delete but it didn't work...
To delete a sub area first click on the title of the sub area from the left side menu, then select edit from the tools menu on the right a window will open with different options, choose delete and the sub area will be removed. As you will see, I have removed the present from Italy area.
- I could see your comment on the article. I added a comment on your ads rubric, posted it too. But how can I read it afterwards? It seems that clicking on "comment" only tells me I can add another one!
If you click on comment you can both post a new comment and read the ones already posted. I posted a comment on your macho ad and I could read it that way. It isn't very intuitive but that's that.
Please ask any questions you wish and I'll try to reply.