DASI -Italy

Thursday, February 23, 2006


In this advertisement there is a boy with a crown of thorns. The crown is made up of the four playstation symbols. So the young man becomes the modern Christ; this image is very strong and profane because it reminds Christ and his passion. Another possible meaning could be that :the play station console, here represented like a crown of thorns, is a one-track mind for a player.

Claudia Mencarelli, Mirko Palluzzi, Stefano OrrĂ¹, Andrea Villella.Classe 5C

The Slogan "solo chi ha radici solide puo osare" means "if you have deep roots you can look ahead", that is, competences are extremely important if you want to achieve your goals, and if you want to be competitive.The advertisement is very effective.

Claudia Mencarelli, Mirko Palluzzi, Andrea Villella, Stefano OrrĂ¹.Classe 5C.

European countries

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Cell Phones


Social commitment?

Ads featuring men and women stereotypes

Ads Featuring men sterotypes

This advertisement is for a shoes manufacturer who is considered the best as for flexible, light and perspiring pair of shoes. The slogan means "sporty inside". The image focuses on the "child inside": we can see a man of about thirty years of age who is riding a merry-go-round horse and holding a toy gun in his right hand, he probabily feels as if he were a cow-boy. Thanks to their features, the shoes are sporty inside like the man is child inside.

Dario Petrilli Classe 5C